
Fruit Yogurt

An easy way of making your own fruit yogurt without any preservatives.

For the Fruit base:
Mango: 4 ripe chopped into small pieces (or any fruit of your choice)
Sugar: 1/4 cup or even less (if you dont want it too sweet)

Mix this together and bring to boil on medium heat. Reduce the heat and let it cook till you get a thick syrup.
Let it cool and spread a few spoonfuls at the bottom of your serving dish.

For the Yoghurt top:
 Milk: 1 litre
Curd: 2 tbsp
Sugar: 1/4 cup

Add the sugar to the milk and bring the milk to a boil. Allow to cool for sometime.
Whisk the curd to and make it come to liquid state.
To the lukewarm milk (skim off any cream that has formed) whisk in the curd.
Pour on top of the fruit mix and allow it to set in a warm place. Takes about 6 or more hours.
After it is set, chill for sometime before serving.
In case you dont want layer yoghurt and want a fruit mixed yoghurt, follow the same procedure, but instead of layering, just mix everything and allow to set. In my personal experiece, layered fruit yoghurt always comes out perfectly set. :0